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  • 乔丹•李•杜利
  • Jordan Lee Dooley
  • 乔丹•李•杜利(Jordan Lee Dooley)是畅销书《拥有你的每一天》(Own Your Everyday)的作者,通过分享实用工具来帮助日常女性过上有目的的生活,她还建立了一个大量的粉丝的网站。她的活跃电子邮件列表有16万,她的博客每月的页面浏览量超过10万,她的播客在第一年就被下载了500多万次。作者网站:
  • 《拥抱自我:在不确定和未知中找到确信和满足》
  • Embrace Your Almost: Find Clarity and Contentment in the In-Betweens, Not-Quites, and Unknowns
  • 图书类型:心灵励志
  • 者:Jordan Lee Dooley
  • 出 版 社:Crown
    代理公司:ANA/Lauren Li
    页    数:195页
  • 人:Rights      浏览次数:478          视频资料






We all know what it feels like to have an expectation of what we hoped our life would look like, only to have it veer off onto a different path. In times like these, we need some help keeping our eyes up as we move forward. That's exactly what Jordan Lee Dooley does for us in Embrace Your Almost. If you are like me and need practical steps, hard-won wisdom, and a friend to help lead the way into a new season of promise, this redirection resource is what you need.

----Lysa TerKeurst, #1 New York Times bestselling author and president of Proverbs 31 Ministries

Rather than reinforcing the pervasive shoot-for-the-moon rhetoric that our boss babe culture pushes, Jordan is a part of the resistance. Her book Embrace Your Almost tactically guides us on how to redefine success so that we can faithfully steward the good that God sends our way. This book heralds the message that this generation desperately needs.

----Amanda Pittman, founder of Confident Woman Co.

Whether we‘’ve had the wind knocked out of us when a dream fails or we are finally breathing deeply after we release a dream that wasn't right, Jordan guides us with compassion and clarity to liking or at least making peace with our lives long before we reach the celebratory finish lines. Embrace Your Almost champions a life that is always under construction instead of one only satisfied at a completion that never truly comes. Jordan intimately invites us to join her in the space between disappointment and possibility, heartbreak and hope----whether in our home, motherhood, career, or faith. She reminds us that a life of almosts is one in which we're endlessly striving and never celebrating the fact that where we are today may in fact be beautiful enough, if only we see it through her lens.

----Hilary Rushford Collyer, host of the You're Welcome podcast

Jordan Lee Dooley is a perfect mix of wisdom and work-hard, and this book brings both. For when you don‘’t understand and when you need a guide, Embrace Your Almost will walk with you, teach you, and lead you to the confident life you want.

----Annie F. Downs, New York Times bestselling author of That Sounds Fun

Embrace Your Almost is for anyone who finds themself in the awkward season of in-between. Jordan has gifted us with an insightful guide filled with biblical and practical steps that lend future clarity, even as they help us experience contentment when we are not yet quite there.

----Lisa Bevere, New York Times bestselling author

I‘’m grateful for the way Jordan shares her honest journey and helps anyone who's had to wait or adjust their expectations in the season they‘’re in to redefine success and contentment right where they are.

---Ruth Chou Simons, Wall Street Journal bestselling author, artist, and founder of gracelaced online


