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  • 德瓦尔和卡迪恩•埃利斯
  • Devale Ellis and Khadeen Ellis
  • 德瓦尔和卡迪恩•埃利斯(Devale and Khadeen Ellis)是油管真人秀The Ellises和播客节目Dead Ass的明星,他们还主演了系列纪录片《黑人爱情》(Black Love)中的三季,并主演了多个电视节目。德瓦尔目前主演黑人娱乐电视台(BET)的热门电视剧《姐妹们》(Sistas),并出演《海军罪案调查处》(NCIS)和《罪恶黑名单》(Blacklist),而卡迪恩则主演...
  • 《家庭比个人更重要:通过反直觉的方法从婚姻中得到一切》
  • WE OVER ME: The Counterintuitive Approach to Getting Everything You Want From Your Marriage
  • 图书类型:家教育儿
  • 者:Devale Ellis and Khadeen Ellis
  • 出 版 社:Crown/Rodale Books
    代理公司:ANA/Lauren Li
    页    数:288页
  • 人:Rights      浏览次数:312          视频资料


作为社交媒体节目《埃利斯夫妇》(The Ellises)的明星,以及韦比奖(Webby Award)获奖播客Dead Ass的主持人,埃利斯夫妇分享了他们作为千禧一代恋人和父母的关系的核心支柱,让他们得以茁壮成长。凭借他们标志性的坦诚和幽默,作者分享了他们在婚姻中成长的过程中,如何在追求个人目标的过程中成功并相互支持。

德瓦尔和卡迪恩·埃利斯(Devale and Khadeen Ellis)结婚十年、共同生活十八年、养育了四个孩子,他们一同经历了很多。他们经历过异地恋、经济不稳定、为人父母和几乎离婚,却始终相爱,并在网上记录他们一家的日常生活。经过反复实验,他们...


“Khadeen and Devale Ellis’s story shows that marriage can be a bumpy ride, but if you can laugh and cry together, argue fairly, and put we over me, you'll be on your way to long-lasting love and commitment.”
----Tiffany “The Budgetnista” Aliche, New York Times bestselling author of GET GOOD WITH MONEY

“Putting we over me is a concept that we have applied to our relationship for twenty-five years. Khadeen and Devale are great examples for how loving, playful, devoted, and business minded your relationship can be. Intentionally doing it all together and consistently putting the we over me. We are certain their testimony will inspire you and activate your relationship to mirror what they model.”
----Dondré Whitfield and Salli Richardson Whitfield, actors

“The Ellis’s story shows that while marriage can be a bumpy ride, it can also be unbelievably beautiful if you learn how to argue constructively, put we over me, and remember to have a little fun along the way. This book will have you laughing and crying, and it’s a must-read for couples and singles who want the best out of their relationship (or who just want to be entertained)!”
----Tommy and Codie Elaine Oliver, founders of Black Love, Inc.

“Loving openly and honestly isn’t easy, yet we know that it is necessary, as we can all benefit immensely. How grateful we are for Khadeen and Devale’s impact on our lives through their courageous transparency in the practice of love. WE OVER ME teaches us that it is their love for themselves, each other, and their family that invites us all to love and love more abundantly.”
----Karega Bailey and Dr. Felicia Gangloff-Bailey, PhD, SOL Affirmations podcast

“Khadeen and Devale are a true example of what marriage is and how the foundation is love—from the highs to lows, ups and downs, and everything in between. WE OVER ME unpacks the core values of defining your own marriage, while keeping the commitment in the forefront. This book is a must-have and is sure to help tons of people and their marriages.”
----Eva Marcille, actor
“K&D give hope to millennials who want to follow their dreams, remain in love, and have families. Staying married in this day and age takes a whole different mindset, and this book gives an intimate and honest look at the inner workings of their strong union.”
----Gia Peppers, award-winning journalist and television host


