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  • 西萨拉•拉姆斯特
  • Kirthana Ramisetti
  • 西萨拉•拉姆斯特(Kirthana Ramisetti)是《新闻日报》和《纽约每日新闻》的前娱乐记者,她写了大量关于富人和名人的生活(和死亡)的故事,并在写这部小说时借鉴了这些经历。她拥有爱默生学院的创意写作硕士学位,并在《华尔街日报》、《娱乐周刊》、《大西洋》等杂志上发表过文章。
  • 《阿德维卡和好莱坞贵妇》
  • 图书类型:大众文学
  • 者:Kirthana Ramisetti
  • 出 版 社:Grand Central Publishing
    代理公司:Grand Central /ANA/Leah Guo
    页    数:384页
  • 人:Rights      浏览次数:316          视频资料



26岁的阿德维卡·斯里尼瓦桑认为自己是一个失败的编剧。为了支付生活账单并让自己(至少是切身地)与这个行业保持联系,她开始在A级活动中担任调酒师,她参加了2016年的奥斯卡颁奖典礼的官方宴会。在宴会上,一个如电影般的梦成了真,她遇到了传奇人物朱利安·泽尔丁----一个像保罗·纽曼(Paul Newman)一样英俊、但比保罗要更位高权重的电影制片人,他刚刚获得了第五个最佳影片奖。尽管他们的年龄相差41岁,但阿德维卡还是没能逃脱他的魔掌,夜晚点燃了他们旋风般的激情。



“Kirthana Ramisetti is a gifted storyteller, and Advika and the Hollywood Wives is such a gift. The glitz and underlying darkness of Hollywood make for a setting as complex and compelling as Ramisetti's characters, and every page of this smart, sharply observed novel rings with insight—and with heart.” 
—Meena Harris, #1 New York Times bestselling author 

“A Cinderella tale with a dark twist. Beneath the glamorous exterior of this page turner is a thoughtful story about female empowerment and what happens when promises of happily ever after don't quite meet fairy tale expectations.”

—Margarita Montimore, USA Today bestselling author 

“Kirthana Ramisetti is quickly becoming the go to author for nuanced stories about fame, family, and love. Advika and the Hollywood Wives is an insightful and moving portrayal of a woman fighting for what she deserves. Told with equal parts humor and heart, this delightful novel is sure to be a favorite for book clubs!”

—Saumya Dave, Author of What a Happy Family 

“Advika and the Hollywood Wives is my favorite kind of novel: smart yet unassuming, entertaining, and deeply compassionate. With sharp characters and complex insight on fame, ambition, love, and loss, Kirthana Ramisetti has given us a page turner for movie buffs and book worms alike.”  

—Liv Stratman, Author of Cheat Day 

“Advika and the Hollywood Wives is my favorite kind of page turner: packed with juice, humor, intrigue, and a complex heroine on a quest to discover what’s real beyond the mirage of all that glitters. Kirthana Ramisetti’s knowledge of celebrity culture shines through in every scene, and I couldn’t help but binge!”

—Dawnie Walton, author of The Final Revival of Opal and Nev 

“Kirthana Ramisetti has a knack for the intriguing, propulsive kind of writing that had us sneaking our mother’s paperbacks as teens. Like Dava Shastri, Advika is a good old fashioned page turner, centered around a character we’ve never seen in fiction, but sorely needed to meet.”

—Priyanka Mattoo, writer and filmmaker 

“This delicious book is for all of us who love romantic comedies—and yet also mistrust the ways Hollywood romantic tropes can stifle our individuality and creativity in real life. Ramisetti’s zippy, nuanced take on the Bluebeard tale is especially insightful about who gets to be a professional storyteller, and about the pressure to squeeze our lives and stories into the boxes prescribed by popular culture.”

—Kate Reed Petty, author of True Story 

“This book is deliciously suspenseful. I raced through the pages and found not just a delightful intrigue but also a thoughtful exploration of manipulation, power, and the legacy of sisterhood.” 

—Marie Rutkoski, author of Real Easy 

“Suspenseful and cinematic, Advika and the Hollywood Wives will have you on the edge of your seat from the very first page through the nail biting grand finale. Kirthana Ramisetti is a novelist in the tradition of Jane Austen, masterfully blending complex human psychology and sharp comedy to bring her finely drawn characters to vivid life. This book is both a cautionary tale about power imbalance in a relationship (trust your instincts, ladies!) and a valentine to friends who are like family.”

—Erin Carlson, Author of I'll Have What She's Having: How Nora Ephron's Three Iconic Films Saved the Romantic Comedy


