
  • 《发展总监的秘密:企业如何致力于发展和成长》
  • The Growth Director's Secret:Why businesses struggle to grow – and what you can do to change it
  • 图书类型:经管      浏览次数:262
  • 作者:Andrew Brent
  • 出 版 社:Bloomsbury Business
    代理公司:ANA/Alina Lin
    页    数:248页
  • 联系人:Rights


《发展总监的秘密》一书调查了许多公司组织背后的结构/文化因素来解释为什么出现这种情况。它探讨了神经学研究的重要新见解,揭示了关于消费者动机、购物行为和品牌选择的近乎普遍的误解。安迪•布伦特(Andy Brent)展示了这些缺陷是如何导致许多企业发展乏味、无差异的消费者主张和浪费的商业/营销计划,这些计划使它们在经济增长停滞的年份陷入困境。这本书对当前的商业和营销理念提出了挑战,并引入了一些重要的新观点,如:几乎所有公司都犯了一个严重的增长错误;购物自动驾驶;最重要的情感冲(MoMIs)的关键时刻,这时做出品牌选择的决定;并且在开放的头脑中营销——这是一种具有挑战性的新方法,可以考虑构建以增长为导向的营销计划。《发展总监的秘密》是企业所有者和管理者的必读之书,它为想要打破传统商业思维的束缚并致力于持续盈利的公司提出了一种具有挑战性和创新性的增长模式。


Chapter 1 : The Growth Paradox 1
Why growth is so important – and why so few businesses are good at delivering it
Chapter 2 : The Big Growth Mistake 19
The fundamental misunderstandings that cause many businesses to struggle to grow
Chapter 3 : The New Growth Paradigm 37
A radical new way for companies to approach the challenge of generating significant, sustainable, profitable growth
Chapter 4 : The Brain Science Behind Growth 53
How the way that our brains work determines which brands grow
Chapter 5 : Finding your Growth Sweet Spot 75
How most companies fail to focus on their biggest growth opportunities – and what to do about it
Chapter 6 : Becoming an Autopilot Brand 97
How to secure automatic, and lasting, purchase preference for your brand
Chapter 7 : Moments of Maximum Emotional Impact 117
Understanding the emotionally-important moments that are key to autopilot brand choice
Chapter 8 : Building a Catnip Proposition 137
How to build a proposition that will secure autopilot status for your brand
Chapter 9 : Marketing to Open Minds – i) Segmentation and Targeting 159
The new marketing paradigm and how it blows old segmentation thinking out of the water
Chapter 10 : Marketing to Open Minds – ii) Bringing the Catnip Proposition to Life 179
The new marketing paradigm and how it blows old brand positioning thinking out of the water
Chapter 11 : So – what could possibly go wrong? 203
An overview of all the other stuff you can’t afford to ignore
Chapter 12 : Summary – and The Growth Director’s Secret 223
The Secret revealed – and what you need to do about it


此书入围英国特许管理机构(Chartered Management Institute)2018年度经管书奖项 (创新和企业家精神分类)


----亚历克斯·希勒(Alex Hiller)博士,诺丁汉特伦特大学诺丁汉商学院

----希瑟卡佩斯(Heather Kappes),伦敦经济学院的助理教授
