
  • 《项目管理的八项基本技能:解决团队领导者最常见的问题》
  • 图书类型:经管      浏览次数:349
  • 作者:Zachary Wong
  • 出 版 社:Berrett-Koehler Publishers
    代理公司:ANA/ Susan Xia
    页    数:216页
  • 联系人:Rights

扎卡里·王(Zachary Wong)提供实用的策略、技能和工具,帮助项目经理诊断和解决他们最棘手的问题。这本书以几十年的实践经验为基础,展示了如何面对和纠正不良行为,提高团队表现和包容性,转变难相处的人和表现不佳的员工,提高员工的积极性和态度,减少变更阻力和风险规避,并管理难伺候的老板。




SKILL ONE How to Diagnose and Correct People Problems: The Wedge 9
The New Organizational Wedge Model—No More Pyramids 9
Leveraging the Power and Resources of Individuals, Teams, and Management 13
Using the Wedge to Manage Performance and People Problems 15
Skill One Summary 29

SKILL TWO How to Be Tough on People Problems without Being Tough on People: The Three Hats 31
Case 2.1: Managing Tough Situations—Juggling Your Roles as a Team Leader 32
Case 2.2: It’s Tough to Let Go—Delegating
Responsibilities to Others 43
Case 2.3: Being a Tough Leader—Displaying Genuine Leadership 47
The Toughest Challenge for a Team Leader 54
Six Ways to Bring Out Your Best 55
Skill Two Summary 58

SKILL THREE How to Build Highly Successful Teams: The Loop 61
Case 3.1: The Company Merger—Forming a New Team 61
The Most Important Human Factor in Highly Successful Teams 65
What Motivates and Demotivates People to Stay Engaged 67
Keeping Your Team Together during Conflicts 70
Case 3.2: The Tuna Fish Sandwich—Preventing Conflicts 71
Choosing between “We” and “Me” 77
The Value of Good Teamwork 78
The Six Inclusive Behaviors of Highly Successful Teams 79
Skill Three Summary 89

SKILL FOUR How to Boost People’s Attitudes, Happiness, and Performance: The Ice
Cream Cone 91
Case 4.1: The Ice Cream Cone—The Importance of Keeping a Good Attitude 92
The Different Attitude Levels of People 99
What Drives Positive and Negative Attitudes 101
How to Improve the Attitude and Performance of Your Team 102
Case 4.2: The Finger Cut—Focus on the Behavior, Not the Outcome 103
Empowerment Raises People’s Attitudes 106
How to Treat People the Right Way for Maximum Impact 107
Skill Four Summary 110

SKILL FIVE How to Turn Around Difficult People and Underperformers: Roll the Ball
Forward 112
Case 5.1: Why We Don’t Confront Poor Performers 113
The Ten Toughest People to Work With 114
Characteristics of Difficult People and Underperformers 115
How to Get Poor Performers Back on Track 116
What Holds Back Difficult People and Underperformers 121
Strategies for Correcting Difficult and Underperforming Behaviors 121
Process Model for Turning Around Difficult People, Underperformers, and Other Problem
Employees 123
Be Aware of Difficult Overachievers 139
Skill Five Summary 141

SKILL SIX How to Motivate the Right Team Behaviors: The ABC Boxes 143
Case 6.1: The Ambitious Project Manager—Does the End Justify the Means? 143
The Best Model for Facilitating Team Behaviors 148
Triggering the Right Team Behaviors: Box A 149
Defining Your Team’s Critical Success Behaviors: Box B 152
The Most Important Skill for Sustaining Desired Team Behaviors: Box C 155
Case 6.2: Sharing Best Practices—How to Shape a New Team Behavior 160
Skill Six Summary 169

SKILL SEVEN How to Succeed When Faced with Change, Problems, and New Challenges: The Black Box Effect 171
Case 7.1: The Cross-Country Championship—The Risk Taker 172
How Uncertainty, Fear, and Risks Affect People: The Black Box Effect 176
The Secrets to Overcoming the Uncertainty of the Circumstance 178
The Secrets to Overcoming the Uncertainty of Your Ability to Perform 185
Case 7.2, Part 1: Overcoming the Risk and Fear of Giving a Presentation—The
First Two Steps 188
The Secrets to Overcoming the Uncertainty of a Bad Outcome 192
Case 7.2, Part 2: Overcoming the Risk and Fear of Giving a Presentation—The
Third Step 194
How Risk Taking Has Enabled Your Success 196
Skill Seven Summary 197

SKILL EIGHT How to Gain Favor and Influence with Your Boss: Be More Visible 199
Working Well with Your Boss: Your Happiness Depends on It 199
Averting the One Thing That Everyone Fears from the Boss 203
The Key to Managing Up 204
Strategies for Gaining Favor and Influence with Your Boss 205
How to Get That Promotion You Want 210
Managing a Bad Boss 212
Case 8.1: Conflict with Your Boss—Doing the Right Thing 212
Working with a Difficult Boss 221
Skill Eight Summary 223
Epilogue 225
References 229
Index 000
About the Author 231
