
  • 300 Minutes of Danger series
  • 300 Minutes of Danger series
  • 图书类型:儿童文学      浏览次数:570
  • 作者:Jack Heath
  • 出 版 社:Scholastic UK
    代理公司:Rights People/ANA
    页      数:192页
  • 联系人:Rights

10 stories. 10 dangerous situations. 10 brave kids.
30 minutes to escape.

George is trapped in a falling aeroplane with no engine and no pilot. Milla is covered with radioactive waste and her hazard suit is running out of air. Otto is in the darkest depths of the ocean, where something hungry is circling . . .
Jack Heath’s arresting book of short stories will fascinate and terrify during each full 30-minute count down, as ten nail-bitingly dangerous situations play out right down to the last crucial moment. Who will live and who will die?
Read each story in real time! 30 minutes of danger, in 30 minutes* of reading time!
*Based on average reading speed



 A NEW death-defying series from the publishers of international best-selling series Conspiracy 365!
 Written by Jack Heath—best-selling YA author.
 10 short stories, each counting down from 30 minutes to 0, in real time!
 Themes: danger, social responsibility, morals, survival, problem solving, environmental issues, science, space, viruses, resourcefulness, fear.


What the critics say of Jack Heath’s previous publications:

“…REPLICA has a clever structure, a propulsive plot and head-wrecking content. It’s a ripper of a book.”
----Simmone Howell,author of Girl, Defective.

“A sensational book. I love a heart-pounding, edge of the seat, slam bam adventure, and Ink, Inc. delivers all of this, in spades, but it does so much more. It’s clever, it’s punchy…”
----Michael Pryor, author of Machine Wars.

“In this stunning debut, Jack Heath has given teen readers an adventure of a lifetime.’
----Deborah Takahashi, reviewing The Lab.
