
  • 《下午出现的女孩》
  • 图书类型:女性小说      浏览次数:435
  • 作者:Serena Burdick
  • 出 版 社:St. Martin’s
    代理公司:Sanford J. Greenburger/ANA/Maggie
    页    数:288页
  • 联系人:Rights

《下午出现的女孩》(GIRL IN THE AFTERNOON)是一部悬念迭起的家庭剧,以大胆的印象派艺术运动为背景,讲述了一个爱情故事。18岁的艾米•赛维瑞(Aimée Savaray)出生于巴黎一个富裕的艺术收藏家庭,艾米热爱绘画,她梦想着有朝一日能够像马奈那样,创作出富有活力的新派画作,近来,这些作品在刻板的艺术领域和整个巴黎都引起了轩然大波。艾米家中的每个人都有着自己不为人知的秘密和欲望,特别是她的双亲,二人混乱的婚姻滋生了更多的猜忌,艾米收养来的哥哥,亨利,也莫名其妙地离开了家。对艺术灵感的渴望促使艾米拜爱德华•马奈为师,这段自我发现的旅程也将改变她的一生。巴黎的艺术世界再次将艾米和亨利紧紧地联系在一起,但是他们能够重新修复彼此之间的关系么,猜疑、竞争以及家庭秘密的所带来负担是否会阻碍他们实现自己伟大的艺术梦想呢?

塞丽娜•伯迪克这部迷人的处女作小说极具艺术与历史感,它将吸引那些喜欢阅读苏珊•弗里兰(Susan Vreeland)和特雷西•希瓦利埃(Tracy Chevalier)充满历史感的作品的读者们。塞丽娜不仅学习过创意写作和文学课程,更钻研过戏剧专业,同时还从事演员及模特工作。




USA Today: “Book publishing goes wild for Girls


RT Book Review: 4 stars

“[A] young woman’s quest for independence and recognition in a world dominated by men is at the heart of a tale brimming over with secrets, betrayals and redemption. Burdick keeps readers riveted, trying to unravel the maze of secrets that tear the characters’ world apart. This is a melancholy, bittersweet novel that touches readers seeking emotional depth.”


Toronto Star: “this accomplished debut historical novel”


Emerald City Book Review: “Burdick’s debut novel was a compelling read that I finished in nearly a single sitting…  [M]oving, surprising, and thought-provoking.”


Historical Novel Society: “Burdick brings the sights and sounds of the Paris of the Impressionists to life. Aimee is an admirable protagonist, a woman trying to become an artist at a time when the art world was dominated by men…. Girl in the Afternoon is an excellent debut novel, and I look forward to reading more by the author.”


Odyssey Bookshop: “While most historical fiction written on the impressionists, or figures in the art world is told from the perspective of the artist’s muse—poor women struggling to survive—Serena Burdick’s Girl in the Afternoon is a departure. Inspired by Berthe Morisot, Louise Jopling, and Marie Bashkirtseff, Serena Burdick tells her story through 18-year-old Aimee Savaray, not a muse, but an artist herself…”


Eclectic Tales: “I pretty much read this book in about two days, I had to find out what happened next for the Savarays.”


Harlequin Junkie: spotlight


Books by Women: recommended read


A Bookish Affair: “Between the time period and the setting, I was whisked away by this book. I love reading about Paris and the detail that the author added really made me feel the time and the place.”


NE Kelleher: “[U]tterly refreshing.”


Medium: author interview


The Reading Frenzy: author interview


“这部光彩夺目的小说有着《镀金时代》(The Gilded Age)的风采,充斥着光线与生命,阴影与黑暗,沉静与变化。作者以丰富的笔触描写了一个世界和一个非传统的家庭,《下午出现的女孩》(Girl in the Afternoon)是一个爱情故事,是一出悬疑剧,更是一出悲剧,同时也探讨了人类对于鲁莽错误及感人救赎的包容力。”
----《占星师的姐姐》(The Stargazer’s Sister)作者,卡丽•布朗(Carrie Brown)

----《开往巴黎的最后一班火车》(The Last Train to Paris)作者,
米歇尔•扎克海姆(Michele Zackheim)
