



Meg Rosoff has won the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award for literature aimed at children and young adults.

The prize is awarded annually to an author for their entire body of work as opposed to one single book.

Rosoff is best known for her young adult novels including How I Live Now and Just In Case.

The Lingdren Prize jury said that Rosoff's novels "speak to the emotions as well as the intellect".

"In sparkling prose, she writes about the search for meaning and identity in a peculiar and bizarre world."

The Boston-born author will receive five million kroner (£434,000) in prize money.

Rosoff told The Guardian on Tuesday: "When I saw I had a phone call from Sweden, I wish I could say that I immediately thought it was the prize, but I actually immediately thought it was telemarketers.

"There have been so many times that I may have fantasised about winning whatever award, but I never imagined I would win this one."

'Highest artistic quality'

She added: "I do genuinely believe, and I tell my students, that your job as a writer is not to read reviews or to be on Twitter drumming up business, but to write books.

"The goal of writing is to write, not to pay attention to accolades. But on the other hand, it does make a difference."

Rosoff has written seven novels in total and her work has been translated into more than 20 languages.

The prize is awarded to work "of the highest artistic quality featuring the same "humanistic values" of the late Astrid Lindgren, who wrote the Pippi Longstocking series.

The memorial award was created by the Swedish government after Lindgren's death in 2002. It is the world's largest prize for children's and young people's literature.

瑞典阿斯特里德·林格伦纪念奖(Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award)

瑞典政府为纪念举世闻名的该国儿童文学作家阿斯特里德·林格伦(Astrid Lindgren),于2002年,也就是林格伦逝世那年,创立这个国际奖。

阿斯特里德·林格伦纪念奖的宗旨是提倡儿童及青少年对文学的兴趣,由于奖金高达五百万瑞典克郎,(约合60万美元)。是世界上最大的国际儿童文学奖和少年文学奖,也是世界上第二大的文学奖。文学奖每年颁发给具有林格伦精神的作者、绘者、讲述者以及提倡者。 2003年, 阿斯特里德·林格伦纪念奖颁发首届得奖作者。法兰兹作者克里斯蒂娜 涅斯特林格是首届得主。


国际安徒生大奖(Hans Christian Andersen Awards)

全球儿童文学界的最高荣耀,每两年由联合国教科文组织「国际儿童图书评议会」(IBBY - International Board on Books for Young People)颁发给作品对儿童有显著贡献的创作者。1956年创设文学奖,颁给作家,1966年创设绘本奖,颁给画家。该奖项创设的宗旨,在于推动儿童阅读,提升文学和美学的艺术境界及建立儿童正面的价值观。


英国卡内基奖(The CILIP Carnegie Medal)

设立于1936年,是英国图书馆协会为纪念苏格兰慈善家安德鲁.卡内基(Andrew Carnegie,1835-1919)而设,现由CILIP(the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals) 颁发。卡内基奖是世界儿童文学界的最高奖项之一,主要是颁发给英国的儿童小说家或是青少年小说家。

美国纽伯瑞奖(Newbery Medal)

1922年创设,以十八世纪英国书商约翰‧纽伯瑞( John Newbery )命名,和凯迪克奖同时由美国图书馆协会( ALA )所属的儿童图书馆服务协会( ALSC )所颁发,两者区别在于前者为青少年小说,后者为儿童图画书,因对象年龄的差距,体裁也不同。两者分别是美国最具代表性的儿童与青少年的文学奖。
