Laurie Wolk


作为作家,教育家,教练和创始人,劳瑞·沃克(Laurie Wolk)总是喜欢赋予别人力量。她从小就是一个“行动”女孩,内心是一个啦啦队队长,她喜欢帮助人们成为最好的自己。她热衷于帮助父母和年轻女孩学会如何与自己、彼此和外部世界沟通和联系。

通过她的Sparkle Society,她直接与公司、学校、组织和个人合作,建立自信、领导力和数字公民技能。劳瑞的目标是:教女孩如何放下数码设备,发展“现实生活”的沟通和人际关系技巧。劳瑞努力通过写课程、演讲、研讨会、一对一指导和领导计划来达到这个目标。就像她鼓励女孩去做的一样,她利用自己的知识和影响力来激励他人——无论是在网上还是在现实世界中。

作为埃默里大学的毕业生,劳瑞获得了心理学学士学位。她是这本书的作者和The Sparkle Report的编辑,这是一份广受好评的每周报告,帮助青少年的父母们与孩子们进行有意义的对话,并了解当今青少年世界的情况。劳瑞在玛莎·贝克和女孩领导学院获得了高级证书。她是威彻斯特儿童博物馆的董事会成员,也是女性领袖。


Introduction xi
Chapter 1: Growing Beyond a Pleaser to Become a Leader 1
Chapter 2: We Are All in This … Together 7
Social Media Basics 9
10 Ways Online Media Usage Is Hurting Our Girls 13
Chapter 3: Boundaries Bring Brighter Days 19
Root to Bloom: Creating Confidence 22
Help, Harm and Handle It! 25
Family Media Agreement 28
Chapter 4: Creating the Family Connection 39
The Family Mission Statement and Family Forum 41
Family Forum 44
Tell Her – Lucky 13 and Positive Posts 55
Meet Them Where They Are – On Social Media 59
Chapter 5: Leadership Skill Building Happens at Home 63
The Leadership Skills List 65
Creativity 67
Honesty, Trustworthiness and Humility 67
Collaborative Approach 69
Curiosity and a Hunger to Learn 70
Good Decision Making Skills 72
Organization Skills 72
Good Networking and People Skills 73
The Leadership Stance 74
Chapter 6: Healing and Role Modeling 77
Emotional Childhood vs Emotional Adulthood 79
The Five Whys and Thought Police 81
Role Modeling 86
Chapter 7: Communication Is for Everyone 93
Four Styles of Communication 93
Friendship Recipe 100
Identifying How You Feel 101
Rose and Thorn 104
Hard Conversation Helper 105
Parent to Daughter 3 Step Conflict Resolution 110
Chapter 8: A Matter of Proper Mindset 113
Embrace A Growth Mindset 116
Learn To Fail … To Learn 119
Chapter 9: Positive Intentions and Making Space for Change 123
Gratitude and Power of Positive Intentions 123
Making Space for Change 128
Chapter 10: Thoughts on What Your Daughter Isn’t Saying 131
Chapter 11: Marching Orders 139
An Open Letter to Our Daughters 143
Acknowledgments 149
About the Author 153
Thank You 155
Laurie Loves Reading 157




  • Waterside
  • 安德鲁北京:Jackie   
  • 安德鲁台北:Whitney