泰莎·麦克瓦特(Tessa McWatt)获2018年埃克尔斯大英图书馆奖(Eccles British Library Award),并以Shame on Me: An Anatomy of Race and Belonging.这部作品获得2020年加勒比海文学 OCM 勃卡斯奖(2020 OCM Bocas Prize for Caribbean Literature)非虚构类别奖。她与迪翁·布兰德(Dionne Brand)和拉宾德拉纳特·马哈拉杰(Rabindranath Maharaj) 合编了Luminous Ink: Writers on Writing in Canada。她的小说作品被提名众多的奖项。她现在是是东安格利亚大学(University of East Anglia)创意写作教授。现居于英国伦敦。
The Royal Society of Literature appointed Tessa McWatt as one of their new Fellows. The RSL is a charity representing the voice of literature in the UK. Congratulations to Tessa for this incredible honour.