Dave Kerpen


戴夫•科彭(Dave Kerpen )是人际关系网(LinkedIn)最受欢迎的思想领袖之一。他的社交媒体平台积累了大批帖子,点击率高达750,000 。他的文章还发表在Inc.com, Forbes.com, Entrepeneur.com和许多其他网站上。


Introduction: People Matter
Part 1: Understanding Yourself and Understanding People
1: Myers-Briggs Means Nothing; This Means Everything
2: How to “Get” Anyone (Even if You Don’t Like Him)
3: How to Understand Someone Better Than You Do Your Friends (In Just 3 Minutes)
4: Be Interested Instead of Interesting
5: Most People Are Lonely. Help them Feel Connected  

Part 2: Meeting the Right People
6: Wear Orange Shoes: The Simple Keys to Networking That Nobody Talks About
7: How to Meet Just About Anyone Using One Simple Tool
8: Create Your Own Advisory Board
9: Hire Slow & Fire Fast- At Work AND In Life
10: Blow Off the Right People

Part 3: Reading People
11: Stop Waiting to Talk and Start Actually Listening
12: Words Mean Little; Listen with Your Eyes, Not Your Ears
13: Always Accept the Glass of Water
14: Bluffing is For Poker (Only)
15:  The One Trick That Seems Ridiculous. But it Works Every Time

Part 4:  Connecting with People
16: Validate, Validate, Validate
17: The Most Important Question You’ll Ever Ask in a Meeting
18: Who You Are Online is Who You Are in Real Life
19: Crying is For Winners
20: The Platinum Rule Always Trumps The Golden Rule

Part 5: Influencing People
21: Help People Come up With Your Idea
22: Passion is Nothing Without Persistence
23: Don’t Sell It, Storytell It
24: The Paradox of Persuasion: Shut Up
25: Walk into Any Room Like You Own It
26: You Never Get What You Don’t Ask For

Part 6:  Changing People’s Minds
27: It’s Better to be Happy Than Right
28: Always Manage Up
29: Go Beyond The Humble Brag
30: Make Time Your Friend

Part 7: Teaching People
31: Be a Model
32: Soar With Your Strengths – and Theirs
33: Don’t Be a Teacher (or a Manager), Be A Coach (and a Student)
34: Don’t Hold Yourself Accountable

Part 8: Leading People
35: There’s No I in Team, But There Is an I in Leadership
36: Mirror Neurons, and How A Good Mood Goes a Long Way
37: How to Get Everyone to Want to Be Around You, with One Word (or maybe 2)
38: Always be the One to Give the Bad News
39: Get High Before Every Meeting
40: Everybody Wants to Be a Leader

Part 9: Resolving Conflict With People
41: If You’re There to Help, You’re There to Win
42: Let Cooler Heads Prevail
43: Let Go To Get What You Want
44: Put On a Bullet-Proof Vest (or The Simple System That Saved My Marriage)

Part 10: Inspiring People
45: Remember that It’s Not About You
46: Be Unoriginal: You Can Quote Me On This
47: Homelessness: The Instant Cure to Any Bad Mood
48: Don’t Let One Unkind Word Destroys Years of Praise

Part 11:Keeping People Happy
49: Surprise and Delight: Make It a Honey Day
50: Go Back in Time and Write A Thank You Card (Yes, A Real One)
51: An Intro a Day Goes A Long Way
52: Buy Him a Bonsai
53: Be Unoriginal Part 2: How to Remain Top of Mind for Thousands of People, Everyday

Conclusion: Getting Everything You Want in Life is All About People, and The Ultimate Paradox
Appendix A:  Enneagram assessment
Appendix B: Inspirational Quotes




  • Crown
  • 安德鲁北京:Jackie   
  • 安德鲁台北:Whitney