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  • 埃里韦托·阿劳约
  • Heriberto Araujo
  • 埃里韦托·阿劳约(Heriberto Araújo)是一位经验丰富的记者、作家和演讲者,在里约热内卢工作。他来自西班牙,为《纽约时报》(The New York Times)、《卫报》(The Guardian)和《国家报》(El País)报道环境、人权和拉丁美洲问题。他曾担任《伦敦时报》(The Times of London)和《电讯报》(The Telegraph)驻中国的记者。他与人合著...
  • 《失地之主:亚马逊不为人知的故事》
  • MASTERS OF THE LOST LAND:The Untold Story of the Amazon and the Violent Fight for the
  • 图书类型:非小说
  • 者:Heriberto Araujo
  • 出 版 社:‎ Mariner Books
    代理公司:Fletcher/ANA/Lauren Li
    页    数:352页
  • 人:Rights      浏览次数:311          视频资料


按照《花月杀手》(Killers of a Flower Moon)的传统,这是一个令人不安的谋杀悬案,揭示了我们这个时代的重大罪行之一:对亚马逊雨林的无情破坏,以及对任何反抗者的镇压。

隆多·杜·帕拉(Rondon do Pará)市是亚马逊中心地带的一个偏远但发展迅速的前哨,几十年来一直被巴西最臭名昭著的大地主何塞里奥·德·巴罗斯(Josélio de Barros)控制。何塞里奥作为一个不可战胜的暴徒,开辟了一条可怕的成功之路,他攫取了大量的公共土地,并在这个过程中放牧和焚烧丛林,伪造私人地契,处决拒绝出售土地的家庭农民,并让移民工人成为现代的奴隶。政府对不...


“A gripping true crime mystery that transports readers into the heart of the Amazon to witness the human toll of its destruction and the incredible will of its people to fight for the future of this unique place – and the planet. Masterfully reported and engagingly written, this is a must-read.”  
----Greg Grandin, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of THE END OF MYTH

“Intriguing. ... A harrowing and deeply researched report from the front lines of the battle for the Amazon.”
----Publishers Weekly

“Excellent. ... An arresting examination of the history of extreme deforestation and violence in the Brazilian Amazon." 
----Kirkus Reviews

“With a journalist’s insight and a scholar’s scrutiny, Heriberto Araujo tells the timeless story of dominance, displacement, murder and social injustice that drive large-scale environmental destruction. MASTERS OF THE LOST LAND documents an Amazonian version of one culture suppressing another through violence, force, and corruption. On the surface, Araujo’s case study offers more understanding of the past than hope for the future, yet its central heroine provides the kind of inspiration needed to break the cycle of frontier corruption and destruction." 
----Roman Dial, bestselling author of THE ADVENTURER'S SON

“MASTERS OF THE LOST LAND is journalism at its absolute best, made even more impressive when one considers the obstacles, obfuscation and threats so often encountered there when trying to ferret out the truth. I’ve often suspected that the modern history of the Amazon parallels the 19th- century cattle wars and gold rushes of the American West: it has, but in overdrive. This is an essential book, and my only criticism is selfish – that it wasn’t around earlier (to make my own writing easier)."
----Joe Jackson, author of THE THIEF AT THE END OF THE WORLD: Rubber, Power, and the Seeds of Empire

“A tour de force. Araujo's masterful reporting from the frontlines in the war for the world's most important tropical biome should be required reading for policy makers, and for anyone who cares about the fight for social and environmental justice for Amazonia's forest peoples.” 
----Dr. Jeremy M. Campbell, author of CONJURING PROPERTY: Speculation and Environmental Futures in the Brazilian Amazon

“Heriberto Araujo does a significant service to Amazonia by providing a look into the social hell that accompanies the destruction of the Amazon rainforest. ... No one can read this account without coming to the conclusion that we must prevent such events from continuing. Perhaps this book will help achieve this end, and for this we owe thanks to Heriberto Araujo and to all those who risked their lives to tell their experiences to him." 
----Philip M. Fearnside, research professor at the National Institute for Research in Amazonia (INPA) in Manaus, Brazil


