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  • 大卫•S•鲁道夫
  • David Rudolf
  • 大卫•S•鲁道夫(David S. Rudolf)是美国最杰出的审判律师之一。他是获得韦比奖(the Webby Award)的刑事司法播客 "滥用权力 "(Abuse of Power)的共同主持人,他曾在联合国大学法学院和国家审判辩护研究所教授审判辩护,并在杜克大学法学院教授刑事诉讼。他还曾在美国律师协会刑事司法分会和全国刑事辩护律师协会担任过领导职务。鲁道夫因其在Netflix纪录片《楼梯悬...
  • 《美国式不公正:刑事司法系统的薄弱之处》
  • AMERICAN INJUSTICE: Inside Stories from the Underbelly of the Criminal Justice System
  • 图书类型:大众社科
  • 者:David Rudolf
  • 出 版 社:Harpers Custom House
    代理公司:Inkwell/ANA/Lauren Li
    页    数:368页
  • 人:Rights      浏览次数:262          视频资料



著名的刑事辩护和民权律师大卫•鲁道夫(David Rudolf)几十年来一直在为被错误指控的人辩护。在《美国式不公正》一书中,他利用自己在美国刑事法律体系中多年的经验,揭示了存在于各级执法部门的不当行为以及随之而来的悲惨后果。鲁道夫通过他的一些最重要的案件追踪这些主题,包括《楼梯悬案》中著名的迈克尔•彼得森审判中的新细节,他带领读者进入犯罪现场,检查犯罪者留下的法医证据;重新审...


Good Morning America interview
“I’ve known David Rudolf since 1975 when we began our careers as public defenders in the Bronx. He is a brilliant and passionate advocate whose searing critique of the way power is abused in America’s criminal legal system is based on firsthand experience in the trenches, sophisticated insight, and a willingness to speak truth to power." 
-- Barry Scheck, Co-Founder of & Special Counsel to The Innocence Project, Professor of Law, Cardozo Law School

“For readers seeking to top up their outrage about abuses in criminal justice, this book makes a fine companion to Bryan Stevenson’s Just Mercy and Emily Bazelon’s Charged. A stellar—and often shocking—report on a broken criminal justice system.”  

-- Kirkus Reviews (starred review)

“Trial lawyers are storytellers, and when the trial lawyer is one of the very best, the stories could not be more riveting, or told with more passion. American Injustice is filled with compelling narratives, beautifully told, sweeping the reader along to the final conclusions. They are accounts of injustice and abuses of power that were not aberrant but seemingly embedded in case after case that Rudolf recounts. The impact is chilling. This is an important book not only for players in the criminal legal system, but for a public that truly needs to know.” 

-- Hon. Nancy Gertner (Retired)

“David Rudolf has written a searing indictment of the American criminal justice system. This terrific book is neither a polemic nor an academic treatise. By describing the cases from his amazing career, Rudolf has written a very engaging and powerful first-person account of how justice and injustice are actually done in the United States.” 

-- Erwin Chemerinsky, Dean and Jesse H. Choper Distinguished Professor of Law, University of California, Berkeley School of Law

"David Rudolf has been confronting injustice for decades. In this exciting book, his powerful voice for justice will inspire the new generation and inform us all." 

-- Michael E. Tigar, lawyer, teacher, author of Sensing Injustice: A Lawyer’s Life in the Battle for Change

"By sharing first-hand accounts of people falsely accused and unjustifiably prosecuted, Rudolf vibrantly demonstrates just how quickly and how permanently an innocent person’s life can be destroyed. This is a sobering, infuriating, and essential examination of the flaws and failures of the country’s legal system." 

-- Booklist

“Defense attorney Rudolf debuts with a searing look at systemic failures in the U.S. justice system… Enriched by Rudolf’s firsthand experience and heartfelt compassion for his clients, this is a harrowing call for change.” 

-- Publishers Weekly


