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  • 艾琳·鲍
  • Erin Bow
  • 艾琳·鲍(Erin Bow)现在每天都在加拿大安大略省一间小的(有暖气的)花园棚里面,写小说给年轻读者们。她有五本小说,两本诗集,还获得了许多奖项:包括总督奖的青少年文学,CBC加拿大文学奖的诗歌,TD奖的“最杰出儿童小说”和加拿大图书馆协会的年度青少年图书奖。她的书,包括《站在天空上》、《普通的凯特》、《悲伤的结》以及科幻双集《蝎子规则》和《天鹅骑士》,都赢得了不少奖项。更多作者信息,请参考网站...
  • 《西蒙说》
  • 图书类型:儿童文学
  • 者:Erin Bow
  • 出 版 社:Disney Hyperion
    代理公司:DeFiore/ANA/Emily Xu
    页    数:320页
  • 人:Rights      浏览次数:812          视频资料


献给凯特·迪卡米洛(Kate DiCamillo)和杰克·甘托斯(Jack Gantos)的粉丝们,这是一本关于寻找朋友、治愈心灵、说出真相的小说,它搞笑、悲伤而又充满希望……

西蒙·奥基夫(Simon O 'Keeffe)如此有名,或许是因为有一次,他的爸爸准备了一顿圣餐,却意外被一只松鼠吃了;又或者是在YouTube上很火爆的话题——“羊驼灾难”。不过全世界都最想要谈论的关于西蒙的故事,是他不惜一切代价想要忘记的一件事——他是班上唯一一个在校园枪击事件中幸存下来的孩子。





----The Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books, STARRED REVIEW

----Publishers Weekly, STARRED REVIEW

---School Library Journal


——Kyle Lukoff,纽伯瑞奖获奖作家

——Jack Gantos,纽伯瑞奖获奖作者

——Ali Benjamin,《纽约时报》畅销书和国家图书奖提名作者

Publishers Weekly 长评:
★ Simon Sort of Says
Erin Bow. Disney-Hyperion, $16.99 (320p) ISBN 978-1-368-08285-3
Centering 12-year-old Simon O’Keefe’s recent move to a completely off-the-grid town and told in his laugh-out-loud first-person perspective, Bow (Stand on the Sky) delivers a compassionate and refreshingly hopeful novel about a tween navigating the aftermath of a school shooting, which takes place before this book’s start. Hoping to escape the anxiety-inducing notoriety they’ve been experiencing after the event, Simon and his family move to Grin and Bear It, Neb., where all electronic devices are banned. The devices, local scientists say, would interfere with their radio telescopes, which are listening for signals of extraterrestrial activity. Since no one can google him, Simon is optimistic that he can fly under the radar and put his past behind him. He makes fast friends with classmates Agate Van der Zwann, who is white and autistic, and half-white, half-Filipino Kevin Matapung; together, they set out to create false messages from aliens, using Kevin’s family’s contraband microwave to attempt to trick the scientists. Without detracting from Simon’suplifting emotional arc about making peace with his past and looking toward a brighter future with friends, Bow imbues this sincere story with levity by employing madcap plot points, including several animal-centered shenanigans featuring squirrels, dogs, and emus. Ages 8–12. Agent: Jane Putch, Eyebait Management. (Feb.)

New York Times 长评:
SIMON SORT OF SAYS (is): a funny book with weighty moments of contemplation. On the surface, it doesn’t seem like it has any business being funny: Simon O’Keeffe is the sole survivor of a school shooting. But Bow demonstrates an ability to tackle difficult topics without being didactic.
Her characters are authentic, multidimensional and complex, 
Readers will align themselves easily with Simon, a likable, relatable kid ...The book delivers on laughs, but it also keeps us alert the whole time. We hold our breath, chew a little longer, knowing that Simon will eventually have to face the enormity of what he’s experienced. When he finally confronts the question that’s been weighing on him — “Why didn’t they get saved, instead of me?” — it’s a fully realized journey from denial to recovery.
“Simon Sort of Says” is a perfectly paced, layered novel that never speaks down to its readers and handles difficult situations with remarkable sensitivity. Bow hits all the right chords and delivers a story that is funny, poignant and — most important — hopeful. -- New York Times Books Review






Longlisted for National Book Award for Young People’s Literature