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  • 凯瑟琳·克拉克
  • Katherine Clarke
  • 凯瑟琳·克拉克(Katherine Clarke)是《华尔街日报》(Wall Street Journal)的记者,她报道了美国各地的高端房地产市场。此前,她曾为《纽约每日新闻》(New York Daily News)和著名房地产杂志《真实交易》(The Real Deal)撰稿。
  • 《亿万富翁街:大亨、高楼和建造世界上最独特的摩天大楼的史诗级竞赛》
  • BILLIONAIRES’ ROW: Tycoons, High Rollers, And The Epic Race To Build The World’s Most Exclusive Skyscrapers
  • 图书类型:经管
  • 者:Katherine Clarke
  • 出 版 社:Crown/Currency 
    页    数:386页
  • 人:Rights      浏览次数:718          视频资料


从中央公园向南望去,你会看到数百亿美元的全球财富展现在你的面前:从公园大道到百老汇,一系列高耸的大厦点缀着天际线。这些被称为亿万富翁街(Billionaires’ Row)的高层公寓几乎悄悄地改变了纽约市的天际线,这得益于该市对开发商友好的政策,以及来自俄罗斯、中国和中东的科技、金融和巨头们源源不断的现金流。在短短几年内,这些“超级富豪”背后的残酷的房地产管理者将曾经是中城区破旧的街区变成了地球上最昂贵的街道。

亿万富翁街的传奇是21世纪财富“新镀金时代”的缩影。在One57大楼的蓝色外墙后面,你可能会看到金融家比尔·阿克曼(Bill Ackman)和电脑传奇人物...


“Katherine Clarke knows the world of real estate down to the ground—indeed, down to the bedrock! But she carries that knowledge lightly as she describes the swashbuckling egos, the daredevil deals, and the tsunami of wealth that are imposing skyline-shaping changes in one of the world’s most iconic cities. Billionaires’ Row is deeply informative, delightfully entertaining, and addictively readable. I loved it!”
—Diana B. Henriques, New York Times bestselling author of The Wizard of Lies and A First-Class Catastrophe

“An immersive crash course in high-end real estate, Kathy Clarke’s Billionaires’ Row turns the latest New York City skyscrapers—known as super-talls—into symbols of the unchecked ambitions, egomania, and greed of both those who build them and those who can afford to live above it all. To rewrite Oscar Wilde, Even up as high as the stars, you’re barely out of the gutter.”
—Michael Gross, New York Times bestselling author of 740 Park and House of Outrageous Fortune

“Billionaires’ Row lifts the curtain on the opaque world of ultra-luxury real estate and New York's new generation of supertall skyscrapers. As entertaining as it is educational, this book offers a captivating portrait of the powerful mix of ego, money and competition that—a century after the Empire State and Chrysler Buildings—continues to transform the city's skyline.”
—Kate Ascher, professor of urban development, Columbia University; author of The Heights: Anatomy of a Skyscraper

“Billionaires’ Row takes the reader on an in-depth journey into the machinations that built the Manhattan skyline and the colorful characters whose ego and daring has redefined twenty-first century New York. In her deeply researched account, Katherine Clarke expertly traces several key developers as they—through cajoling, manipulation, and lavish spending—meticulously amass large swaths of Midtown to construct towers that have come to symbolize unprecedented feats of human engineering, as well as the hubris and chutzpah of real estate men. Part investigation, part biography, this book is a study of how wealth and ambition trumps all when it comes to the Big Apple.”
—Julie Satow, author of The Plaza: The Secret Life of America's Most Famous Hotel

“Billionaires’ Row is a necessary book about how not to build a city. Katherine Clarke has the rare ability to make you understand both the personalities and the numbers behind our modern Towers of Babel along 57th Street; the result is a coolly devastating portrait of the game of greed and ego that has permanently scarred the skyline—and the psyche—of New York.”
—Thomas Dyja, author of New York, New York, New York

“Kathy Clarke has aced the luxury real estate beat at the Wall Street Journal with stories that pry open the lives of the rich and powerful. In Billionaires’ Row, she has accomplished a far greater feat with a deeply reported, remarkable tale of the financial bubble that remade the New York skyline. She chronicles a race to the sky among ego-rich developers, one that resulted in a street of super-luxury slim towers, dashed dreams, and meager profits. This book is thrilling, incisive, and a lot of fun to read.”
—Eliot Brown, Wall Street Journal bestselling co-author of The Cult of We


Amazon has named Billionaires’ Row one of their best books of June

