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  • 迈克·格洛弗
  • Mike Glover, with a foreword by Jack Carr
  • 迈克·格洛弗(Mike Glover)是Fieldcraft Survival公司的创始人兼首席执行官,该公司生产高档户外装备和服装,并提供枪械、生存、机动、医疗和备灾方面的培训课程。此前,他在美国陆军和特种部队共服役了20年。他拥有美国军事大学国土安全和危机管理学士学位,曾在中央情报局担任政府承包商,在危险情况下保护政府官员。
  • 《做好准备:一部生存指南》
  • PREPARED: A Manual for Surviving Worst Case Scenarios
  • 图书类型:参考书
  • 者:Mike Glover, with a foreword by Jack Carr
  • 出 版 社:Penguin/Portfolio
    代理公司:ANA/Lauren Li
    页    数:256页 
  • 人:Rights      浏览次数:632          视频资料



迈克·格洛弗(Mike Glover)在美国陆军、特种部队以及作为中央情报局的政府承包商工作了20年,在生存的艺术和科学方面培训了成千上万的男人、女人和家庭。在这本书中,他告诉你如何:





Publicity for PREPARED:

Radio + Podcast

  • 05/31/23: Jocko Willink podcast
  • You Are Not So Smart podcast
  • pub week: Andy Frisella podcast
  • pub week: Cleared Hot podcast
  • pub week: Modern Wisdom podcast
  • pub week: Art of Manliness podcast
  • pub week: Order of Man podcast
  • pub week: Passion Struck podcast
  • pub week: Team Never Quit Podcast
  • Drinking Bros podcast
  • BRCC Podcast

TV + Video

  • 03/21/23: FOX Tucker Carlson
  • 06/06/23: ABC News Live Prime

Marketing updates: 

  • NEW Pub Day promo video launching across Mike’s 2.6M+ follower channels
  • Big Mouth Mailing to star-studded influencer list including Post Malone (23M), Joe Rogan (16.8M), Andy Frisella (3.5 M), and more!
  • Multi-city tour with 8+ live events, including with Mike’s sponsor Black Rifle Coffee (3.3 million subscribers)
  • Robust online advertising campaign with 1.2M estimated impressions timed to launch
  • Massive promotional postcard mailing to Fieldcraft’s 70K address list 
  • Postcards to be included with all Fieldcraft merch orders through launch
  • Ongoing social promotion to activate highly-engaged followers of Fieldcraft and Mike

Publicity updates:

  • A streaming TV interview on ABC News Live Prime will air on publication day, June 6
  • Multiple major podcasts will release publication week, including: The Jocko Podcast, Art of Manliness, Team Never Quit, Passion Struck, Cleared Hot, and The Order of Man
  • A second appearance on the Joe Rogan Experience is still in the works

Stellar early praise for PREPARED so far:

“Service, sacrifice, freedom, preparedness, and self-reliance are mere words to some.  Not to Mike Glover.  His dedication to the nation and his fellow citizens stands out as an example for us all. Add this book to the top of your list and gift it to as many Americans as you can.  We will all be the better for it.” –Jack Carr, Navy SEAL Sniper and #1 New York Times bestselling author of In the Blood

“Mike Glover is one of the finest examples of service, sacrifice and success America has ever produced.” –Evan Hafer, CEO of Black Rifle Coffee

