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  • 克劳迪娅·舒马赫
  • Claudia Schumacher
  • 克劳迪娅·舒马赫(Claudia Schumacher)于1986年出生在蒂宾根,在斯图加特长大。她在柏林学习德国和美国文学和艺术史,她是《Furios》杂志的共同创始人之一。之后,在苏黎世生活期间,她在《新苏黎世报周日版》担任记者、专栏作家和出版商。克劳迪娅·舒马赫目前在汉堡生活,2016年起,除了写作外,她还为《世界周刊》撰写每周专栏。
  • 《爱的暴力》
  • 图书类型:文学小说
  • 者:Claudia Schumacher
    出 版 社:dtv Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
    代理公司:Marcel Hartges/ANA/ Lauren
    页    数:376页
  • 人:Rights      浏览次数:913          视频资料






"(...) the story of a girl and then a young woman with a traumatic experience of violence and the longing for an escape from home and memory, which fails again and again and yet seems captivating and hopeful, thanks to the idiosyncratic, for the most part defiantly snotty tone full of leaps in vocabulary and perspective (...) "
-- Volker Hage

"The pace creates a pull that is hard to resist. "
-- Die Welt

"The fact that she knows her way around society is evident in her novel: she sketches the abysses of the Ehre family with razor-sharp precision. "
-- Sophie Zessnik

"Claudia Schumacher allows us to experience the psychological mechanisms and suffering of survivors of domestic violence up close. And in doing so, it makes it clear how difficult it is to overcome childhood traumas. "
-- Lina Brüning 

"A linguistically powerful debut about domestic violence and its fatal consequences. "

"Schumacher doesn't lack explosive power in this novel, which is why you don't want to put the book down for a moment. "
-- Claudia Ingenhoven

"The book is written in such an exciting way that you can't put it down, so brutal in its narrative that it's almost unbearable at times, and yet it's always full of funny moments that make you laugh. "

"A remarkable book about the mechanisms of domestic violence. It's not an easy read, but it's definitely worth it. "
-- Petra Pluwatsch

"With a few, well-chosen words, Claudia Schumacher vividly describes a family history full of violence. "
-- Antonia Barboric

"Loud, incorruptible and at the same time tender and entertaining, Schumacher presents a debut that is second to none. The language is reminiscent of rap in both rhythm and directness - every sentence is skilfully set, no moment seems contrived, the plot carries to the last page. "
-- Nora Zukker

"Psychologically really smart! "
-- Daniel Kaiser

"You haven't read such a tone, such anger for a long time. "
-- Peer Teuwsen

"At no point do you see that some literary debuts are literary debuts. Claudia Schumacher, who was born in Tübingen in 1986 and grew up in Nürtingen, has long since made a name for herself as a journalist, and presents such a feat: confident, provocative, eloquent and original from the first page. "
-- Rainer Moritz

"I like to read books that challenge me a bit emotionally. That's definitely what happened with "Love Is Mighty." "
-- Katja Schönherr

"It is a horror household, a middle-class household, an academic household, and the mother tries again and again to establish peace in the castle, to maintain the façade, and she becomes an accomplice because she repeatedly defends her father. The father, who is of course also the respected citizen on the outside: you can literally see this small-town community in front of you. Claudia Schumacher tries to find a language for this, and it is very direct, very explicit, also original in its phrases. Almost every page has a stylistic element that you didn't expect, has a pictoriality that you didn't expect ― a brilliant debut. "
-- Rainer Moritz

"It is a novel about the transgenerational transmission of imprints and, in this case, violence. What is most extraordinary is that this novel tells the story of a desolate youth in the academic household. The 17-year-old narrator interprets this broken world, understands this world ― or thinks she understands it ― and, of course, is strongly reminiscent of Salinger's Holden Caulfield. I think it's partly terrific how Claudia Schumacher writes: this original language, this imagery. I admire that. "
-- Thomas Andre

"Schumann shows the devastating effects of violence on the life of the victim and how these can still be dealt with. "
-- Gerhild Wissmann

"An eloquent novel that captivates the reader despite some brutal scenes thanks to the snotty narrative tone of the protagonist. "
-- Book Profiles/Media Profiles

"You love her immediately, this enslaved soul, which the author portrays eloquently and psychologically cleverly. "
-- Karin Waldner

"The debut of an author who can do a lot: above all, to expose the rot of a superficially perfect, wealthy family with harsh formulations. "
-- Hamburger Abendblatt

"It's a remarkable book on the mechanisms of domestic violence – not an easy read, but it's well worth it. "
-- Schwetzinger Zeitung

"A strong debut novel. "
-- Book Journal

"Be sure to read it! "
-- Express Sunday

"The special thing about Claudia Schumacher's debut is the snotty narrative voice. "
-- SRF Leaderboard

"The German author Claudia Schumacher has presented a powerful debut in every respect with ›Love is Powerful‹. "
-- Katja Schönherr

"Claudia Schumacher hits the readers of her debut novel ›Love is Powerful‹ with full force. ”
-- Anne Burgmer

"Schumacher lets the young woman tell of growing up in this terrible family, of her attempts at rebellion and liberation – also of her desire to belong. This provides great immediacy when reading, as if – to stay with the image from the beginning – you were standing directly at the box at the Sabbath concert. "
-- Michael Schleicher




在海港文学节上被提名为“Aspects Prize”和“新秀作家奖”