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  • 伊丽莎白·巴里·怀特和乔安娜·斯利瓦
  • Joanna Sliwa and Elizabeth “Barry” White
  • 伊丽莎白·巴里·怀特(Elizabeth “Barry” White)获得了弗吉尼亚大学的历史学博士学位。1983年至2010年,她在美国司法部特别调查办公室工作,成为副主任和首席历史学家,然后担任人权和特别起诉科的副主任和首席历史学家。期间,她指导调查和起诉纳粹罪犯和其他人权侵犯者的研究。从2012年到2015年,她又担任了美国大屠杀纪念博物馆预防种族灭绝中心的研究主任。目前,她作为大屠杀、第二...
  • 《假冒的女伯爵:大屠杀期间拯救数千名波兰人的犹太妇女》
  • The Counterfeit Countess: The Jewish Woman Who Rescued Thousands of Poles
  • 图书类型:一战和二战历史
  • 者:Joanna Sliwa and Elizabeth “Barry” White
  • 出 版 社:Simon & Schuster                                 
    页    数:336页
  • 人:Rights      浏览次数:748          视频资料


1989年,历史学家伊丽莎白·"巴里"·怀特(Elizabeth “Barry” White)意外地收到了约瑟芬·雅尼娜·梅尔伯格博士(Dr. Josephine Janina Mehlberg)未发表的回忆录,约瑟芬是伊利诺伊理工学院的一名数学教授,在20年前去世。这本回忆录讲述了一段不可思议的历史故事: 梅尔伯格是一名犹太人,在大屠杀中通过冒充波兰卢布林的基督教女伯爵亚尼娜·苏霍多尔斯卡(Janina Suchodolska)而幸存下来。作为一个波兰福利组织的官员和波兰地下自治军的军官,她在马伊达内克集中营拯救了数不清的波兰囚犯的生命。



"A story of courage, compassion, and cunning so profound that it must be included with the greatest Holocaust literature. Janina Mehlberg is a heroine for the ages."
—Larry Loftis, New York Times bestselling author of The Watchmaker's Daughter
“Part biography, part adventure tale, The Counterfeit Countess is the astonishing history of ‘Countess Janina Suchodolska’, a heroic Polish Jewish woman who rescued thousands of Catholic Poles during the Holocaust. Historians Elizabeth White and Joanna Sliwa turned sleuths as they painstakingly pieced together the story of her wartime activities from shards of information scattered across archives in Europe and North America. A riveting account of moral courage and an enduring commitment to save lives.” 
—Debórah Dwork, Director, Center for the Study of the Holocaust, Genocide, and Crimes Against Humanity, The Graduate Center—City University of New York
“A stunning masterpiece of a book about a previously overlooked hero of the war and the Holocaust. Never betraying any fear, ‘Countess Suchodolska’ performed seemingly impossible miracles again and again, routinely risking her life to save thousands of Polish prisoners in the Majdanek concentration camp. Elizabeth B. White and Joanna Sliwa have performed their own miracle by meticulously reconstructing her story and giving her the long-overdue recognition she so fully deserves.”
—Andrew Nagorski, author of Saving Freud: The Rescuers Who Brought Him To Freedom
“The Counterfeit Countess is an extraordinary testament to courage, resilience and humanity during the darkest months of the Holocaust. Beautifully crafted and meticulously researched by two of America’s powerhouse World War II historians, this riveting story will ensure that the world never forgets the utterly remarkable Josephine Janina Mehlberg and an epic rescue mission that defied great evil. You will not put this book down until the very last word -- it is a stunning piece of Holocaust history that will stick with you long after you’re done." 
—Debbie Cenziper, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author of Citizen 865: The Hunt for Hitler's Hidden Soldiers in America



