"This book is a fun and informative look into the world of psychological testing and, foremost, a terrific and entertaining way to explore one's own psyche."
- Publishers Weekly
"Psychobook comprises an eclectic assortment of tests from the early twentieth century to the present, along with new artworks and whimsical questionnaires inspired by the originals.It's not immediately clear why this book exists, but it would probably look great in a therapist's waiting room."
- The New Yorker
"Readers of Psychobook will get a thrill from answering a series of questions - and will possibly uncover what their minds hold."
- New York Post
"A unique gift that's perfect for a coffee table or the friend who is curious about everything. This book contains a collection of psychological testing, from word-association games to inkblots to personality tests. Try them out at home or at the next get-together."
- Sports Illustrated Online
"Reading Psychobook is like taking a whirlwind tour through the Age of Psychology, as seen through the visual designs that the headshrinkers left behind."
- Fast Co. Design
"The early 20th century saw a boom in experimental and beautiful, but ultimately fraught, diagnostic tests. Psychobook compiles them in a gorgeous collection."
- Wired
"Just as psychological tests can double as artworks, so, too, can artworks function as psychological tests."
"Psychobook would make a fine gift, suitable for any of us who feel compelled to know ourselves better but don't take such tests (or ourselves) too seriously."
-Psychology Today