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  • The Game of Our Lives Wins 27th William Hill Sports Book Of The Year Award( 2015.11.30 )

  • The Game Of Our Lives: The Meaning and Making of English Football Wins 27th William Hill Sports Book Of The Year Award

    Judges praise book that places football as a “barometer of t

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  • 《权力的游戏》打破2015艾美奖纪录( 2015.10.07 )

  • 非常高兴告诉大家,在今年的第67届艾美奖颁奖典礼中,《权力的游戏》(GAME OF THRONES)创纪录地一举夺得12大奖项,成为艾美奖历史上一年内夺得最多奖项的作品。

    《权力的游戏》几乎横扫剧情系列剧单元(Drama Series category),夺得了最佳剧情类剧集奖(outstanding drama series),大卫·纳特(David Nutter)获得最佳导演(Outstanding Directing),“小恶魔”提利昂的扮演者彼特·丁拉基(Peter Dinklage)获得剧情类最佳男配角(Out

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  • 哈珀·李新作《设立守望者》引爆英美夏季书市( 2015.07.20 )
  • 2015年7月14日,美国著名作家哈珀·李的第二本小说《设立守望者》(Go and Set a Watchman)在英美两地同时与读者见面。在美国销售首日,《设立守望者》即狂销70万册,创造了从未有过的销售纪录!在英国,这本书首日销量也高达105000册!



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  • 元代大画家王蒙的故事《万物》获得2015年沃尔特·司各特奖最佳历史小说奖( 2015.07.08 )

  • John Spurling has won the 2015 Walter Scott Prize for Historical Fiction for his fourth novel The Ten Thousand Things. The book is set in imperial China, during the 14th century. The Mongol founded Yuan Dynasty still rules China. The Mongols are still considered invaders and barbarians by the supporters of the Song dynasty. But a big change is coming soon.

    The story is about one of

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  • MR. MERCEDES won the Edgar Award for Best Mystery Novel of 2015( 2015.05.05 )
  • MR. MERCEDES won the Edgar Award for Best Mystery Novel of 2015.  This is a huge honor for an author not commonly writing in the mystery field, and a testament to how successfully King embraced the hard boiled genre and put his own stamp on it.  The Mystery Writers of America obviously thinks i

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