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  • 美国亚马逊请权威阅读推广人精选1960-2000年值得阅读小说再次出版 (2015.01.05)
  • BOOK LUST REDISCOVERIES is a series devoted to reprinting some of the best (and now out of print)novels across a number of genres originally published between 1960-2000. Each book is personally selected by award-winning and beloved librarian and lifelong reader Nancy Pearl. The two titles are A GAY AND MELANCHOLY SOUND by Merle Miller and AFTER LIFE by Rhian Ellis. Rights are available in all territories. 

    From Nancy: “My lust for books and reading began when I was a very young child, and has continued unabated for lo, these many many years. Every time I open a new book to read, it's like embarking on a voyage to an unexplored place that just might be filled with wonder and excitement.”

    Material for each title will come in separate soon!