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  • 诞生于万里高空的惊悚小说《坠落》获得国外主流媒体争相报道! (2021.06.30)
  • Daily Express:

    During normal times around half a million people are flying at any one time, according to some estimates – their lives in the hands of just a few thousand pilots and flight attend- ants trusted to deliver them to their destinations. Despite sky-high safety stand- ards and heavy regulation, the airline indus- try has little room for failure.

    Which is why the concept behind TJ Newman’s gripping debut novel, Falling, is so chilling: what if the pilot of your jet learned their family had been kidnapped by terrorists and would be killed unless they plunged their aircraft into the ground ... 

    The Observer:

    This has a hell of a premise: pilot Bill’s family is kidnapped and he is given an ultimatum by the kidnappers: “You will crash your plane or I will kill your family.” Acquired for a seven-figure sum, Falling is former flight attendant Newman’s first novel and gives real insight into the affection, camaraderie and bravery of a cabin crew...

    S Magazine:

    Gripping from the first sentence, this thriller is like no other. After boarding a flight to New York, the 143 passengers on board find out that 30 minutes prior to take-off the pilot’s family have been kidnapped. In order to save his loved ones,the pilot must kill every passenger on board by crashing the plane. What will he do?

