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  • WRITTEN IN BONE荣获美国最著名推理小说金匕首奖(Gold Dagger Award) (2021.07.04)

  • Anatomist and forensic pathologist Sue Black takes us on a tour of the bony body, from head to toe (to tail). Informative and often grisly, records of significant cases, reflections on the author’s experience, and some autobiography, combine in a humane, wise book.


    金匕首奖(Gold Dagger Award)是世界上最著名的犯罪推理小说奖项之一,由英国推理作家协会(Crime Writers' Association)所颁布,授予每年评选出的最佳犯罪小说。从2006年开始,翻译小说不再参评金匕首奖,而另外设立了国际匕首奖。

    Dear Friends,

     You’ve been keen to read this one for a while… and it’s finally here!

     In WRITTEN IN BONE, world-renowned and Top10 Sunday Times bestselling author forensic anthropologist Sue Black unveils the stories our bodies tell about our lives. 10 chapters, 10 body parts, from head to toe. It’s a fascinating mix of pop science and true crime, told with humour and sensitivity. [ ♫Listen to my Pitch Podcast here! ♫]

     Transworld are publishing in September. Susanna Wadeson acquired world English rights from Michael Alcock (US option with Skyhorse).