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    Full Cast Announced for World Premiere of THE DA VINCI CODE

    by Chloe Rabinowitz Dec. 1, 2021

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    Joining the cast are: Basienka Blake (Vernet), Alasdair Buchan (Remy) Alpha Kargbo (Fache), Joshua

    Lacy (Silas), and more.


    The full cast joining award winning Nigel Harman as Robert Langdon, Red Dwarf and Death in Paradise star Danny John-Jules as Sir Leigh Teabing and newcomer Hannah Rose Caton as Sophie Neveu in the World Premiere of the first-ever stage adaptation of Dan Brown's international phenomenon, The Da Vinci Code was announced today.

    The cast joining Nigel, Danny and Hannah are: Basienka Blake (Vernet), Alasdair Buchan (Remy) Alpha Kargbo (Fache), Joshua Lacy (Silas), Leigh Lothian (Colette/Sophie understudy) Andrew Lewis (Sauniere) and Debra Michaels (Sandrine/Grandmother).

    Producer Simon Friend said: "We have a truly stellar cast and creative team bringing The Da Vinci Code to life on stage for the first time, and with Dan Brown's full endorsement of the show and the talented director Luke Sheppard at the helm, we're confident that we'll please devoted fans as well as newcomers to this magnificent story."

    'Dan Brown's epic thriller has been read by millions worldwide, and seen by millions worldwide on the big screen, and we are all looking forward to taking our brand new stage version to audiences all over the UK.'

    Dan Brown said: "I am thrilled that The Da Vinci Code is being adapted for the stage, and excited to see the unique potential of live theatre enhance this story. The team making the production has been faithful to the book, but will also bring something new for the audience, in what is certain to be a gripping, fast-paced stage thriller and a thoroughly entertaining show."

    The tour begins at the Churchill Theatre, Bromley on 10 January and goes on to Nottingham, Sheffield, Bath, Plymouth, Clywd, Coventry, Hull, Wolverhampton, Brighton, Cheltenham, Glasgow, Edinburgh, and Newcastle.

    It then travels to Southampton, Richmond, Woking, Leicester, Norwich, York, Shrewsbury, Dartford, Birmingham, Cardiff, Milton Keynes, Aberdeen, Salford, Leeds, Malvern, Belfast, Guildford, Northampton, Swindon, Liverpool and Bradford where it runs until 12 November 2022. (Nigel Harman and Danny John-Jules will be performing the roles of Langdon and Teabing up to and including Newcastle. Danny will be performing in Southampton and Nigel will commence the tour again from Leeds to Swindon. Other dates and cast are to be announced.)

    The Da Vinci Code is described as follows: The curator of the Louvre has been brutally murdered, and alongside his body are a series of baffling codes. Follow the pulse-racing journey as Professor Robert Langdon and fellow cryptologist Sophie Neveu, attempt to solve the riddles, leading to the works of Leonardo Da Vinci and beyond, deep into the vault of history. In a breathless race through the streets of Europe, Langdon and Neveu must decipher the labyrinthine code before a shocking historical secret is lost forever.

    The Da Vinci Code is adapted for the stage by Rachel Wagstaff (Flowers For Mrs Harris, Birdsong) and Duncan Abel (The Girl on the Train), and will be directed by Luke Sheppard, who most recently directed the acclaimed new West End musical, & Juliet and What's New Pussycat at Birmingham Rep. 

    Luke is joined on the creative team by Set and Costume Designer David Woodhead, Video Designer Andrzej GouldingBen and Max Ringham who are responsible for Composition and Sound Design, Lighting Designer Lizzie Powell and Casting Director Stuart Burt CDGLuke Sheppard said: "Cracking The Da Vinci Code open for the stage reveals an epic thriller steeped in theatrical potential, rich in suspense and surprising at every turn.  

    Rachel Wagstaff and Duncan Abel's brilliant adaptation leaps off the page and demands us to push the limits of our imagination, creating a production that champions dynamic theatrical storytelling and places the audience up close in the heat of this gripping mystery."

    The Da Vinci Code is produced by Simon Friend.

    For further information, see www.davincicodeonstage.com