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  • 《花园里的机器人》音乐剧在东京的第二次演出圆满落幕!由华纳兄弟日本公司改编的同名电影即将于2022年8月上映,敬请期待! (2022.02.07)
  • Good news!!!

    As Shiki Theatre’s musical production of A ROBOT IN THE GARDEN just came to the end of its second Tokyo run, we are delighted to share some photographs from the final performance, and report that, despite challenging conditions, all performances went ahead without cancellations, and with 94.5% of tickets sold – a fantastic achievement!   

    Furthermore, the final show drew a standing ovation for ten minutes, with 11 curtain calls!  The production will open in Kyoto later this month, before embarking on a national tour, and we look forward to sharing further updates.

    Besides, we are thrilled to report that Warner Bros Japan today announced that their film adaptation of A ROBOT IN THE GARDEN will be released in August 2022!

    Entitled TANG, it stars Kazunari Ninomiya as the main character, Ben. Known as Nino, Kazunari is a huge star in Japan – as well as being a singer, songwriter, actor and radio host, he is also a member of the enormously successful Japanese pop group Arashi. This will in fact be his first solo project since the band suspended activities in December 2020, so there is plenty of excitement surrounding his casting, which is sure to draw a huge audience of his supporters. This is of course alongside the legions of Deborah’s fans, who have helped to make her ROBOT IN THE GARDEN series such an outstanding success. As a reminder, Shogakukan have so far published four titles: A ROBOT IN THE GARDEN (2016),  A ROBOT IN THE HOUSE (2017), A ROBOT IN THE SCHOOL (2019) and A ROBOT IN THE FAMILY (2020), while Shiki Theatre produced their musical adaptation of A ROBOT IN THE GARDEN in 2020.
    We are delighted to share a flyer below, alongside an image from the film, while a further flyer is attached. We look forward to keeping you updated with further news.