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  • 由托马斯·佩里所著的《老男人》(THE OLD MAN)改编的电视剧终于上映了! (2022.06.20)

  • Exciting news !!!

    The TV show adaptation of Thomas Perry’S THE OLD MAN is finally here! It debuted on FX in the US last night and will debut on Disney+ in the UK tonight (it will be available in most other territories on Disney+ as well).

    We’ve picked up Brazilian Portuguese and UK/Commonwealth offers, with lots of interest elsewhere.

    I’m pleased to share this recent and fantastic piece from The Daily Beast. Here’s a great excerpt that demonstrates leading man Jeff Bridges’ compelling portrayal of protagonist, Dan:
    “the particulars [that] compelled Dan to go into hiding for three decades, are left initially vague […] As that premise implies, The Old Man is running a familiar espionage operation—and one predicated, first and foremost, on the intense charisma of its leading man. In that regard, it’s more than up to the challenge it establishes for itself, generating immediate intrigue and engagement through Bridges’ performance as a seventysomething with a skill set that would make James Bond blush. Bridges’ jovial good humor is seen around the edges of Dan, but for the most part, this is a stoic turn that pivots on the actor’s quiet intensity, here most ably expressed via his stern eyes. One instantly believes him as both a nondescript everyman wiling away his days and nights with his canine companions by his side, and as a ruthless killer willing to do what it takes to survive.”