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  • Dana Spiotta—St. Francis College Literary Prize Winner! (2017.09.19)
  • Dear All,

    We’re thrilled to announce that Dana Spiotta’s INNOCENTS AND OTHERS has won the 2017 St. Francis College Literary Prize! The prize is awarded biannually for mid-career writers, and was announced this weekend at the Brooklyn Book Festival. We’re so delighted that Dana has been honored for this remarkable novel!

    Here is a link(www.buzzfeed.com/ariannarebolini/dana-spiotta-has-won-a-50000-prize-for-mid-career-writers?utm_term=.idV0ajWzy#.am71v5gY9) to an article that further details the prize, as well as a link (www.youtube.com/watch?v=0I7CGuclXrc) to view Dana's acceptance speech.