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  • Moonrise & Home Fire were shortliested for COSTA AWARDS (2017.11.28)
  • Dear All,

    I’m just thrilled to say we have two books shortlisted for the Costa Awards this year! HOME FIRE by Kamila Shamsie and MOONRISE by Sarah Crossan

    Judges in for the Novel Award call Kamila Shamsie’s HOME FIRE ‘A brave and important book that explores themes that feel both urgent and timeless’. Shamsie is published by Bloomsbury UK, Riverhead US, and in the following translation markets: Arabic (Dar Altanweer), Chinese Simplified (Citic Press), Danish (Politikens), Dutch (Signatuur), Finnish (Gummerus), French (Actes Sud), German (Berlin Verlag), Greek (Psichogios), Italian (Ponte alle Grazie), Norwegian (Gyldendal), Portuguese (Relogio d’Agua), Russian (Phantom), Spanish (Malpaso), Swedish (Polaris), Turkish (Kirmizi Kedi).

    Over at the Children’s Award, judges call Sarah Crossan’s MOONRISE ‘An exceptional, compelling book for our time – its analysis is devastating but its message is hope.’ MOONRISE is published by Bloomsbury/UK, Pepper Books/Netherlands and Mixtvision/Germany. She has options in the following markets: Brazil (L&PM Editores), China (Jieli Publishing), Estonia (Varrak), Finland (Schildts & Söderströms), France (Rageot), Hungary (Betuteszta), Indonesia (Penerbit Haru), Italy (Feltrinelli), Iran (Houpaa Books), Japan (HarperCollins Japan), Korea (Mirae N), Russia (Eksmo), Poland (Dwie Siostry), Spain (Roca), Sweden (Wahlstroms), Taiwan (Shui-Ling), Turkey (Penguen)

    You can see the full lists here: https://www.costa.co.uk/media/478795/combined-shortlist-2017.pdf. Category winners will be announced on 2nd January.