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  • 美国著名作家莱昂内尔·施赖弗(Lionel Shriver) 应邀前来参加“老书虫”文学节(BLF) (2013.03.03)

       2013年3月8-22日,安德鲁公司代理的美国著名作家莱昂内尔·施赖弗(Lionel Shriver) 应邀前来参加“老书虫”文学节(BLF) 。http://bookwormfestival.com/  

    march 8th, friday
    Lionel Shriver’s novels provoke and incite; tackling difficult and timely subjects with wit and humor: We Need to Talk About Kevin takes a shattering look at childhood violence; The New Republic explores the convoluted and comical world of reporting the war on terror; So Much for That exposes the heart-wrenching human dilemmas built into the American health care system. Her latest novel, Big Brother, confronts the obesity epidemic. Join us as Shriver discusses her insightful body of work.
    200 rmb BW08A price includes entry to the BLF opening party
    12pm Lionel Shriver with Tim Clissold
    When Pandora picks her brother Edison up at the airport, he has gained so much weight she no longer recognizes him. In the four years since they last saw each other, Edison has transformed from a thin jazz musician to a morbidly obese and unhealthy know-it-all. In her latest work Big Brother, award-winning novelist Lionel Shriver probes the deep issues of the obesity epidemic: overeating, extreme diets and society’s treatment of fat people. Join us as she discusses with Tim Clissold (Mr. China).
    80rmb BW09B    

         莱昂内尔·施赖弗(Lionel Shriver),美国作家和记者, 1957年5月18日生于北卡罗来纳州加斯顿一个虔信宗教的长老会家庭,就读于哥伦比亚大学巴纳德学院。目前,她嫁给了爵士乐鼓手杰夫·威廉斯,定居在伦敦与纽约布鲁克林。她曾为《纽约时报》(The New York Times )、《卫报》(The Guardian)、《每日电讯报》(The Daily Telegraph )、《经济学人》(The Economist)、《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)及其它出版刊物撰稿。

    《雌性物种》(The Female of the Species) ,1986
    《检查与改进》(Checker and the Derailleurs ) ,1987
    《流血的心》(The Bleeding Heart ) ,1990
    《体面的普通罪犯》(Ordinary Decent Criminals ) , 1992
    《游戏控制》(Game Control ) ,1994
    《完美家庭》(A Perfectly Good Family),1996
    《双误》(Double Fault),1997
    《凯文怎么了?》(We Need Talk About Kevin),2003,赢得了2005年橘子小说奖(the Orange Prize for fiction in 2005),中文简体字版授权上海译文。
    《生日过后的世界》(The Post-Birthday World ) ,2007,中文简体字版授权上海译文。
    《何处可归》(SO MUCH FOR THAT),2010
    《新的共和》(THE NEW REPUBLIC ),2012
    《大哥》(BIG BROTHER),2013