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  • COMMAND AND CONTROL is Top Ten Non-Fiction Books of The Year (2013.12.07)
  • Time Magazinehas namedEric Schlosser’s COMMAND AND CONTROL, as one of theirTop Ten Non-Fiction Books of The Year.

    “It’s not an obvious progression, going from FAST FOOD NATION, Schlosser’s 2001 expose of McDonald’s and its greasy ilk, to a history of the United States nuclear arsenal. But the same gifts are on display: meticulous research, enormous narrative flair and a carefully modulated and entirely justified undertone of righteous horror.”–Time

    Author Jonathan Franzen has chosenEric Schlosser’s COMMAND AND CONTROLas histop book for 2013 inThe Guardian(UK): 

    “Schlosser's book reads like a thriller, but it's masterfully even-handed, well researched, and well organised. Either he's a natural genius at integrating massive amounts of complex information, or he worked like a dog to write this book. You wouldn't think the prospect of nuclear apocalypse would make for a reading treat, but in Schlosser's hands it does.”–Jonathan Franzen  

    Foreign sales: Brazil(Companhia), Germany(Beck),Italy(Mondadori), Japan(Kawade Shobo), Sweden(Ordfront), closing inPoland
