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  • SAVING NORMAL by Allen Frances is voted as " Knowledge Book of the Year" in Germany (2013.12.17)
  • Good News! 

     SAVING NORMAL by Allen Frances one of the winners of this year's vote for the ‘Wissenbuch des Jahres’ (or Knowledge Book of the Year),  run by the prestigious German magazinebild der wissenschaft (the December edition, published on November, 19th).

    SAVING NORMAL won the"Zündstoff" category for the most explosive or controversial book, that portrays a hotly debated topic in the most competent way: http://www.wissenschaft.de/buecher/-/journal_content/56/12054/2468729/Normal/

    The jury is a high-profile group of journalists from such important German and Swiss newspapers asDIE ZEIT, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, National Geographic, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, prominent radio stations, various science magazines and the readers ofbild der wissenschaft.

    So, congratulations to Allen, and to Dumont!
