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  • 上榜啦!《你的黑色童话》/THE BOOK OF YOU is one of the bestselling debuts this year! (2014.05.31)
  • I’m delighted to share the incredible press and blog reception THE BOOK OF YOU has received since publication. It’s one of the bestselling debuts this year, generating a real word-of-mouth success that has seen more than 60 Amazon reviews in just a month, with an average rating of 4.5 stars! http://www.amazon.co.uk/The-Book-You-Claire-Kendal/dp/0007531648  

    There are still reviews coming through, so there should be more to add to this in the coming weeks. Overall, it’s a great start, sales are strong and steady, and we have the right foundation to take her straight to the top when the paperback, currently planned for early 2015, is published in the UK/US.

