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  • 更多奖项!Shaun Tan’s Rules of Summer won Best Designed Children’s Book at the Australian Book Design Awa (2014.09.06)
  • More good news! On Friday night in Melbourne, Shaun Tan’s Rules of Summer won Best Designed Children’s Book at the Australian Book Design Awards. This was the first ceremony in the revamped awards, now run by a group of designers rather than the Australian Publisher’s Association.

    1974年出生在澳洲的肖恩·谭(Shaun Tan),父亲是马来西亚的华侨,在1960年代移民到澳洲,母亲则是澳洲人。肖恩成长于澳洲西部柏斯市(Perth)的北郊。他在学校的时候就有画画高手的称号,同学这样称呼他,半是弥补“他是全班个子最小”的缺憾。青少年时期,肖恩就开始为科幻小说画插图,也为小印量杂志中的恐怖故事配插图。

    1995年毕业于华盛顿大学艺术系以及英国文学系,目前专职童书插画。他的图画书作品获得许多国际大奖项,代表作品有:《观像镜》(The Viewer)、《兔子们》(The Rabbits)、《失物招领》(The Lost Thing)、《绯红树》(The Red Tree)以及《抵岸》(The Arrival)。2007年,肖恩因着自己的工作成就,赢得了“世界奇幻最佳艺术家奖”(World Fantasy Best Artist Award)。

    最近,他跟蓝天工作室(Blue Sky Studios)跟皮克斯动画工作室(Pixar)合作,为多部电影提供平面艺术、造型艺术上的意见。他的个人网站是http://www.shauntan.net/


         2014, Shaun Tan’s Rules of Summer won Best Designed Children’s Book at the Australian Book Design Awards.
         2014, Shaun Tan has won the prestigious Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA) Picture Book of the Year Award for the Rules of Summer
         2011, Astrid Lindgren prize, the world's richest children's literature award
         2011, Academy Award, shared with Passion Pictures, for his work on the animated     short film based on his book, The Lost Thing
        2011, Dromkeen Medal for services to Australian children's literature
      2007  世界奇幻最佳艺术家奖”(World Fantasy Best Artist Award)
      2007 《抵岸》意大利波隆纳书展评审特别奖
      2007 《抵岸》澳洲童书协会奖年度图画书  
      2007 《抵岸》IBBY白鸦评审特别奖
      2006 《抵岸》西澳州长书奖 
      2006 《抵岸》英国4-11岁最佳儿童图画书 
      2006 《抵岸》澳洲NSW童书销售金鼠奖 
      2001 《失物招领》 CBCA年度最佳图画书光荣奖 
      2000  Memorial CBCA 年度最佳图画书
      1999 《兔子们》 CBCA 年度最佳图画书