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  • John Freeman s A Bi-annualLiterary Anthology (2014.09.14)
  • Grove has just announced a plan to publish a biannual anthology of original fiction and nonfiction, edited by John Freeman, formerly of Granta. The press release is attached; an interview with John and Morgan also ran on Ron Charles’s Washington Post blog. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/style-blog/wp/2014/07/01/from-granta-to-freemans/
    Grove will hold world rights in these anthologies and Australian rights have already been sold to Text. The first issue will be published in fall of 2015.

                                                                                                                    FREEMAN’S A BI-ANNUAL LITERARY ANTHOLOGY


    Grove Atlantic is pleased to announce that they are partnering with John Freeman to start a new bi-annual literary anthology, to be published in collaboration with the New School.  Mr. Freeman will also act as editor-at-large for Grove Atlantic, acquiring selected titles.

    Freeman's will be an on-going series of themed anthologies of all original works of fiction, nonfiction and poetry.

    John Freeman is the former editor of Granta; he was also the president of the National Book Critics Circle, and is the author of The Tyranny of E-mail and How to Read a Novelist.

    “Over the last two decades, as a critic, author and editor John has proven himself to be one of the most dynamic figures on the American literary scene, and we are very excited to be working with him.” said Morgan Entrekin, publisher and CEO of Grove Atlantic.

    “We at the graduate writing program at The New School are honored to work with Freeman's,” says Luis Jaramillo, director of the MFA Program in Creative Writing, "continuing our mission to sustain a vibrant and diverse literary culture and community."

    "One of the greatest pleasures of working at Granta was discovering new writers. I've missed that, as well as the chance to work with great writers as they explore stories that tell us how we live today."

    The writers Mr. Freeman introduced at Granta include Claire Vaye Watkins, Phil Klay, Jamil Ahmad, ChineloOkparanta, Maria Venegas, A. Yi, Vanessa Manko, and TaiyeSelasi. During his tenure Granta published three Best Young anthologies of writing from Brazil, the spanish speaking world, and Britain, as well as issues on Pakistan, Chicago, and Horror. It also launched eleven new foreign language editions, from China to Norway.

    Other writers he worked with include Mo Yan, Lydia Davis, AleksandarHemon, Alice Munro, Kenzaburo Oe, Kamila Shamsie, Wole Soyinka, Robert MacFarlane, Karen Russell, Peter Carey, Chris Adrian, Richard Russo, Salman Rushdie, Julie Otsuka, and AminattaForna.

    "It's as hard a time as ever for literary publishing -- with bookstores continually under threat, book review sections ever shrinking. It's not as if great writing has vanished, though. How do you point readers toward the writers most worth reading, the necessary stories, the best of what's new? I'm hoping Freeman's can do that."

