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  • 艾玛·达比里
  • Emma Dabiri
  • 艾玛·达比里 (Emma Dabiri)是爱尔兰裔尼日利亚学者、活动家和节目主持人。她在伦敦大学亚非学院非洲系(African department at SOAS)担任了十多年的助教,还是金史密斯学院(Goldsmiths)视觉社会学(Visual Sociology)博士研究员,也是《星期日泰晤士报》畅销书《白人接下来可以做什么》和《别碰我的头发》的作者。 2023年,她被任命为英国皇家文学学...
  • 《拒绝服从的身体:美应不羁》
  • Disobedient Bodies: Reclaim Your Unruly Beauty
  • 图书类型:大众文化
  • 者:Emma Dabiri
  • 出 版 社:Profile/Wellcome Collection
    页    数:160页
  • 人:Rights      浏览次数:552          视频资料



畅销书《别碰我的头发》(Don't Touch My Hair)和《白人下一步能做什么》(What White People Can Do Next)作者艾玛·达比里 (Emma Dabiri) 稍显激进但绝对不应错过的新书。 

《芭比娃娃》电影刚刚引发一阵热潮,影片中亚美莉卡·费雷拉 (America Ferrera) 激动人心的独白似乎还萦绕耳畔,艾玛·达比里 (Emma Dabiri) 的这本新书也切合《芭比》所凸显的主题,探讨了当前关于女性“美”两极分化,互相冲突的观点,审视了难以实现却具有...


”This is the book we have needed . . . her pièce de resistance, a clarion call for us to reconsider the entire contemporary concept of beauty . . . empowering "
-- Best New Books in October, Glamour

”Wonderful. I love all Emma Dabiri's work, for its insistence on nuance, on praxis, on scholarship, on the necessity of human joy. This is so sharp, and funny, and will be so generously liberating for so many - read it! “
-- Katherine Rundell

”A magnificent text“ 
-- Katy Hessel

”A polemic that offers liberating solutions. This call to joyful disobedience is proof that Dabiri is one of our most important thinkers and writers ... Feminists have been examining beauty standards and the ways in which our bodies are policed for a long time now, but Emma Dabiri's new book still feels fresh, new and important “
― The Irish Times

”A must-read . . . Dabiri writes with empowering enthusiasm on alternatives to the way we look at beauty, and encourages us to rebel against current beauty standards “
― Psychologies

”A radical, incisive and thoughtful assessment of beauty - how we conceive of it under capitalism and how we ought to reframe our thinking about it and, by extension - ourselves. I can't recommend ordering a copy enough. Emma is a fantastic writer . . . she always helps me to find new ways of seeing, perhaps she can do that for you too “
-- Vicky Spratt ― The i

”Disobedient Bodies grapples with the complicated and messy history of beauty, and how our constantly evolving (yet always unattainable) standards are entrenched in oppressive systems that hold us back . . . Dabiri takes our understanding beyond the surface. It's an essay that calls for a radical reimagination and holistic reclamation of beauty"
― Dazed

"Engagingly written and well researched . . . A powerful read "
― Independent

"Powerful . . . Disobedient Bodies explores the way in which we spend effort and money rectifying our "flaws" . . . to encourage an alternative approach to beauty "
-- Best New Books to Read in October 2023,The i

"A very important book "
-- Carol Morley



Let's do beauty differently



Glamour:Best New Books in October

The i: Best New Books to Read in October 2023